

Stress & Holter Testing

PerformancePlus™ - Stress and Holter Testing

Nissha Medical Technologies is known throughout the industry as the leader in quality and performance for disposable diagnostic electrodes. Our PerformancePlus™ line continues that tradition.

In critical diagnostic situations, use one of Nissha Medical Technologies PerformancePlus™ electrodes by Nissha Medical Technologies to ensure quality readings, zero artifact and no repeat procedures.

PerformancePlus™ electrodes are available in tape, cloth or foam in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your needs. An assortment of no-waste packaging options are also available to fit your facility’s usage.

  • Ag/AgCL, high chloride, wet gel electrodes hydrate the skin and produce fast, clear tracings
  • Aggressive adhesive keeps electrodes on the patient, no motion artifact or repeat testing
  • Solid gel is designed to produce clear tracings with easy cleanup
  • Hypoallergenic adhesive
  • Latex Free
Performance Plus Electrode

PerformancePlus Stress Test Electrodes

<p>PerformancePlus Stress Test Electrodes</p>

In critical diagnostic situations ensure quality readings, limited artifacting, and no repeat procedures with PerformancePlus.

Last Edited: 01.03.2024

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A10005 - 1.5” /38.1mm - TEARDROP FOAM ELECTRODE

Artikel # Beschreibung Menge Größe (mm) Gel-Typ Weitere Informationen Befehl
6500013V 05-PERFORMANCE PLUS A10005 600 1.5 38.1 Conductive Wet Gel Produktdetails
6500014V Performance Plus A10005-1-60 600 1.5 38.1 Conductive Wet Gel Produktdetails
6500481V Performance Plus A10005-7NB 700 1.5 38.1 Conductive Wet Gel Produktdetails

A10006-5 - 1.875”/ 47.625mm - TEARDROP FOAM ELECTRODE

Artikel # Beschreibung Menge Größe (mm) Gel-Typ Weitere Informationen Befehl
6500024V Performance Plus A10006-5 600 1.875 47.625 Conductive Wet Gel Produktdetails

A10006-T - 2.25” / 57.15mm - ROUND TAPE ELECTRODE

Artikel # Beschreibung Menge Größe (mm) Gel-Typ Weitere Informationen Befehl
6500027V 05-PERFORMANCE PLUS A10006-5T 600 2.25 57.15 Conductive Wet Gel Produktdetails
6500001V Performance Plus A10006-1-60TS (OLD A1006-1-60TS) 600 2.25 57.15 Conductive Wet Gel - 10% Chloride Produktdetails

A10012 - 1.875” x 1.25” / 47.625mm x 31.75mm - RECT. FOAM ELECTRODE

Artikel # Beschreibung Menge Größe (mm) Gel-Typ Weitere Informationen Befehl
6500040V Performance Plus A10012-60S 600 1.333 x 2.25 33.858 x 57.15 Conductive Wet Gel Produktdetails

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