
Grounding Pads

Neutral Electrodes

SWAROPLATE Split Grounding Pads (Diathermy Pads / Neutral Electrodes)

Those electrodes are for applications with HF - surgery devices which support a Contact Quality Monitoring (CQM)

The following SWAROPLATE Split Neutral Electrodes are available:

  • REF 1211H - for adults
  • REF 1212H - for adults
  • REF 1213H - for adults
  • REF 1220H - OVALPLATE for adults and children
  • REF 1222H - for children REF 1223H - for infants and prematures

SWAROPLATE Diathermy Pads / Neutral Electrodes

  • A list of compatible HF-surgery devices is available.
  • Meets the requirements of IEC 60601-2-2:2009.
  • For correctly applied electrodes the maximum temperature rise under standard load according IEC 60601-2-2 is typically < 4°C. Limit according to the standard is < 6°C.
  • NE contact-impedance is typically 1 Ohm (for adult size electrodes).
  • Shelf life is 24 months in the originally sealed bag.

The advantages of SWAROPLATE Diathermy Pads / Neutral Electrodes:

  • Stays in place - The adhesiveness of the foam border and of the conductive gel make sure that the electrode will not come off. This means that there is practically no danger of burnings with SWAROPLATE
  • Ready to be used - Just remove the protective sheeting and apply the electrode on the prepared skin. There is no additional gel required!
  • Highly flexible with excellent skin compatibility - Gel and adhesive foam are tolerated even by a sensitive skin. There is no gel left on the skin after the application

<p>Declaration of Compatibility</p>

Declaration of Compatibility

Valid Through:

SWAROPLATE Split Grounding Pads

Artikel # Beschreibung Menge/Karton Anschluss Skalen Max Weitere Informationen Befehl
6000806N XXXX-NOT CLASSIFIED 1226H-SWARO-V5-50-600 600 e.a. N/A Produktdetails
6000790N XXXX-NOT CLASSIFIED 1211H-SWARO-V1-25-300 300 e.a. N/A Produktdetails
6000793N Diathermy Electrode 1212H-SWARO-V1-25-300 300 e.a. N/A Produktdetails
6000795N Diathermy Electrode 1213H-SWARO-V1-25-300 300 e.a. N/A Produktdetails
6000800N XXXX-NOT CLASSIFIED 1222H-SWARO-V1-25-300 300 e.a. N/A Produktdetails
6000805N SWARO-SWAROPLATE 1226H-SWARO-V1-25-300 300 e.a. N/A Produktdetails
6000804N XXXX-NOT CLASSIFIED 1223H-SWARO-V5-50-600 600 e.a. N/A Produktdetails

SWAROPLATE Split Grounding Pads - Prewired

Artikel # Beschreibung Menge/Karton Anschluss Weitere Informationen Befehl
6000811N Diathermy Electrode 1251H-SWARO-V1-8-96 96 e.a. Valleylab-REM Produktdetails
6000835N Diathermy Electrode 1255H-SWARO-V1-8-96 96 e.a. Valleylab-REM Produktdetails
6000844N XXXX-NOT CLASSIFIED 1274H-SWARO-V1-8-96 96 e.a. Jack Produktdetails
6000833N XXXX-NOT CLASSIFIED 1252H-SWARO-V1-8-96 96 e.a. Valleylab-REM Produktdetails
6000836N Diathermy Electrode 1257H-SWARO-V1-8-96 96 e.a. Valleylab-REM Produktdetails
6000834N SWARO-SWAROPLATE 1253H-SWARO-V1-8-96 96 e.a. Valleylab-REM Produktdetails