HeartSync Defib Electrodes by Nissha Medical Technologies
Multi-function Debrillation Pads for Cardiac Science Defibrillator. Compatible with PowerHeart AED G3 Plus and PowerHeart AED G3 Pro.
Designed for defibrillation, pacing, cardioversion, and ECG monitoring.
Defibrillator Models:
- PowerHeart AED G3 Plus
- PowerHeart AED G3 Pro
Compatible Pads:
Documentation & IFUs
Defibrillator Compatibility
Match defibrillator brands to HeartSync Defib Pads
Last Edited: 01.09.2023
Herunterladen Webseite besuchenDefibrillator Competitive Matrix
HeartSync Defib Pads compared to our leading competitors
Last Edited: 03.07.2023
Herunterladen Webseite besuchenDefibrillator Pacing Guidelines
Recommended Maximum Pacing Duration for HeartSync Electrodes
Last Edited: 01.08.2023
Herunterladen Webseite besuchenFeatures and Benefits
HeartSync Defibrillation Electrodes Features and Benefits
Last Edited: 01.07.2023
Herunterladen Webseite besuchenHeartsync Defibrillation Electrodes
Nissha Medical Technologies’ HeartSync Defibrillation Electrodes are designed
with your needs in mind. Featuring the longest leadwires, 36 month shelf life,
and ease of placement, they will meet the needs of your clinical staff.
Last Edited: 03.07.2023
Herunterladen Webseite besuchenHeartsync Defibrillation Electrodes - ES
Los Parches de Desfibrilación Heartsync de Nissha están diseñados para cumplir con todos sus requisitos. Con los cables más largos del marcado, 36 meses de vida útil y su colocación fácil nuestras almohadillas satisfacen todas sus necesidades.
Last Edited: 03.07.2023
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