
EMS Electrodes

for Emergency & EMS

EMS and Emergency ECG Electrodes

Vermed EMS Electrodes by Nissha Medical Technologies - When every second counts...

Nissha Medical Technologies EMS electrodes are designed and packaged specifically for Emergency Services. Large size and aggressive adhesive insure quick placement and fast, accurate readings. All Vermed electrodes use the highest quality materials and meet or exceed AAMI specifications for disposable ECG electrodes.


  • Labeled specifically for EMS
  • Packaged in convenient no waste quantities for EMS
  • 2 ¼” diameter provides large adhesive area
  • High chloride wet gel provides fast clear traces
  • Can be defibrillated
  • Hypoallergenic and latex free

Nissha Medical Technologies carries a complete line of Defibrillation Pads as well.

EMS Electrodes from NMT

A10003 - 2.25” / 57.15mm - ROUND FOAM ELECTRODE


A10084-4 - 1.625” / 41.275mm - ROUND TAPE ELECTRODE


A10012-6S - 1.25” X 2.15” / 31.75mm x 47.625mm - RECT. FOAM ELECTRODE


EMS Electrodes

<p>EMS Electrodes</p>

Designed and packaged specifically for Emergency Services. Large size and aggressive adhesive ensure quick placement and fast, accurate readings.

Last Edited: 01.04.2024

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EMS Stress Test Kits

<p>EMS Stress Test Kits</p>

Built with time savings in mind, our single use pouch contains 10 electrode perfect for EMS diagnostic stress tests.

Last Edited: 01.04.2024

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